5 Anti-Procrastination Tools That Will Work For You

We all procrastinate in one way or the other. You’ve postponed a task because you were lazy or had to attend to another. You’ve also dragged your feet on a task only to rush through it minutes to the deadline. You’ve not achieved your business, weight loss or academic goals because of procrastination.

Procrastination makes you delay or postpone an activity till the last moment. It makes you disorganized and leaves you with unmet goals and visions. Sometimes you can’t help it. It is like an addiction.

It is good to make resolutions or have a vision board, but you need to do more. So we’ve compiled these five anti-procrastination tools to help you.

1. Alarm clock

This is a device/phone app that is so common, yet useful. It brings your focus back to reality, making you alert to take up the task. It helps you to be organized and conscious of your tasks and goals for the day.

2. Evernote

This is an app that helps you to write out your plans for the day and how you would carry them out. Do not overwhelm yourself by writing down more tasks than you can attend to. Overwhelming yourself may lead to procrastination. To meet your daily tasks, you can write down two major tasks (e.g. writing and submitting a report) and three minor tasks (e.g. contacting a client).

3. Google Calendar

Created by Google, you can use Google Calendar to schedule your activities for the day. It allows you to label your activities with different colours so that you can know all you have planned out for the day at a glance. It also allows you to make little notes in it.

4. App Detox

If you procrastinate because of the time you spend on social media, this app will be helpful to you. It is an app that helps you set how long you want to use a particular app on your phone. App Detox lets you know if you’re violating your time limit on your phone apps.

5. Action

This is the most important tool. It is not a phone app. This tool is in you and what you do. If you have all the other tools mentioned, but fail to take action, then you would never stop procrastinating.

These five tools will prevent you from delaying your activities, goals, and ultimately your dreams. Procrastinating until the last minute would only make you come up with poor results. Manage your time wisely. Stop procrastinating.

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